Category: Growing a Business

How Much Business Debt is Healthy

Just like it’s difficult to imagine buying a home or even a car without a mortgage or car loan, small business owners often find that small business loans or financing is essential to grow their business.  But how much business debt is healthy? It’s an important question for the financial health of your business, so let’s dive into ways to use debt strategically.  What's a Healthy Level of Business Debt? Some business owners believe that debt is bad, and focus… Read More

13 Financial Mistakes Business Owners Make (and How to Fix Them)

Like in life, when it comes to running a business, you’re probably going to make mistakes. Knowing what to expect can help you avoid serious and costly setbacks.  Here are 13 common financial mistakes small business owners make, and how to avoid (or at least minimize) them.  1. Mixing Personal and Business Finances Mixing business and personal expenses is a very common mistake many small businesses make.  Sam Morgan, MBA, is a Senior Certified Business Advisor with the University of… Read More

How Can Debt Be Used to Grow a Company?

Taking on debt can be an intimidating move for a small business or entrepreneur — it can feel like a risk. It might feel safer to use savings or a more familiar method of funding like business credit cards. But there can be huge benefits to using debt for business growth. Debt can offer opportunities for business owners that would have otherwise been out of reach. In this article, we’ll explore the ways that good debt can help your business… Read More

Making the Most of Your Email Marketing

Email continues to be a marketing powerhouse for many small businesses. It allows a small business to connect directly with customers and prospects who have expressed interest in what they have to offer.  “Email marketing has allowed us to build a bigger moat than our competitors,” says Coty Perry, chief marketing officer for, an authoritative guide for anglers across the world, sharing expert-crafted stories and advancements in fishing gear. “Our content, which ranges from new product updates, fishing tips,… Read More

The Power of Local Partnerships

There are various types of local partnership opportunities that small business owners can form, depending on your specific goals and the nature of your business. You can co-market or cross-promote your products or services, establish referral partnerships, or partner on events or workshops. Partnerships with other local businesses can increase brand awareness and draw in potential customers.  Before initiating a partnership, clearly define your shared goals and objectives. Discuss with potential partners how collaboration can benefit both parties and contribute… Read More

Top 5 Small Business Trends

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you may not have time to stay on top of business trends. So we’re bringing them to you. Your business should evolve with changes in the world around you, both to make your strategy more effective and to make your life easier. Learn five of the top business trends in 2024 — and which your business might want to join in on — in this article from Nav’s experts. What Should Companies Focus… Read More