Category: Starting a Business

Business Lifecycle Stages – The Importance of Funding at Each Stage

Entrepreneur Tara Bosch sold her company, Smart Sweets, in 2020 for $360 million. She worked hard in the early stages of her business to protect her ownership and equity.  “When I was launching Smart Sweets, I was kind of in that era where startups were raising huge amounts of money, and raising what in itself felt like something that was celebrated, and not the fact that the money itself was just a vehicle to the real accomplishment, which was executing… Read More

Common Mistakes That Hurt Your Business Credit and How to Avoid Them

Key takeaways: Strong business credit can make it easier for businesses to qualify for certain types of financing.  Business owners who check their business credit reports may find mistakes on their reports.  Some errors can significantly impact creditworthiness and make it harder to get financing or other benefits.  Understanding what to do if you find mistakes on your credit reports is the first step toward fixing them.  You may know that checking your business credit reports is a smart idea.… Read More

Is an MBA Worth It in 2024?

When Camilla Jeffs went back to school to earn her MBA, she was 36 years old with five young children. “I had yearned for years to be in the corporate world and once my youngest turned three, I seized my opportunity,” she says. “I was one of the oldest in my cohort at BYU's full time MBA program and intentionally took 21 credits each semester. I wanted to learn everything!”  She started several businesses before she purchased KohlerHaus Remodeling Co,… Read More

How to Start and Finance a Mobile IT Support Business in 2024

If you’re great at preventing, troubleshooting and fixing IT problems, you may be able to turn your skills into your own mobile IT support business.  IT support professionals can make life a lot easier for those who don’t consider themselves tech experts— or who simply don’t have time to learn. They can help set systems up correctly from the start, or troubleshoot and fix issues when things go wrong. Here’s what you need to know about starting and financing a… Read More

Best Franchises to Own in 2024 and How to Finance One

Franchising is expected to continue to grow in 2024 according to the 2024 Franchising Economic Outlook, the International Franchise Association’s annual study in partnership with FRANdata  The number of franchise establishments will increase by more than 15,000 units, or 1.9%, to 821,000 units, according to that research. That franchise growth is expected to contribute to nearly 9 million jobs, and $545.8 billion in GDP.  Franchises allow you to own a small business with a blueprint that gets you started. But… Read More

Thinking about Opening a Bar in 2024? Here’s a Complete Guide to Getting Started in the Bar Business

The neighborhood bar is built into the fabric of many American towns and cities. If you have a passion for hospitality, and want to open a bar, you’ll be in good company. The US bar and nightclub industry includes about 40,000 establishments with combined revenue of about $24 billion annually, according to the Bar and Nightclub Industry report by Dun & Bradstreet First Research.  Here’s what you need to know about opening a bar in 2024.  State of the Bar… Read More